Category: News

The delivery of the letters

For the first time since we started our journey, we woke up without looking at the clock and free from the worry of staying on schedule. We met each other in random order in...

Keep the coal in the hole!

Johaness arrived early at the hostel to guide us, deviating from the established track, in the territory of the Hambach mine. We decided to ride for more kilometer than expected to better understand the...

The calm after the storm

The spirit of Ride With Us is to involve other people in our ride for the climate and share experiences along the path, a goal completely achieved within the eleventh stage: Koblenz-Köln. A group...

Previsioni meteo XI tappa: Koblenz-Köln

  Al mattino ancora instabilità con la possibilità di piogge (deboli) alla partenza con temperature intorno ai 10°C. Col passare delle ore però migliorano le condizioni meteo, ci aspettiamo infatti maggiori schiarite lungo il...

The day of punctures

It’s been a couple of days since this thought was buzzing around our heads, but perhaps because of mere misfortune, none of us had shared it with the  rest of the group. After nine...

The long descent towards Konstanz

During the sixth stage we also crossed three different countries: Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Austria. However, in this case the path would have been completely different compared with the ones of the previous two days....