Which way from Schio to Rovereto?

There is not doubt that if you go from Schio to Rovereto you have to cross the mountains, but you may decide for the shorter way or  to ride longer going  more uphill.

What do you think was the Ride With Us choice? :-)

Our friends from  Schio, Marano, Torrebelvicino and Vicenza convinced us to take  the longer path…. and they were completely right!!!

Our daily ride started  at 8.00 am  sharp  in front of  Schio high schools, where we had the opportunity to say good bye to young people that helped us to organize the evening event of the day before.

We cycled  for “only” 56 km but for a total uphill  amount   of around 1.500 m. If our legs found the experience as an…interesting challenge, our souls  will remember it as an unforgettable experience. We rode along a very quiet road through Enna, passo Xomo, Ponte Verde and then we arrived on the top of Pian  delle Fugazze, always with fantastic landscapes!

And after 200 m from the top we stopped  at Malga Streva where we had the opportunity to try the delicious  goat cheese produced by Patrizia and Gastone.

Thanks to both to give us the possibility to try they local food and to recover some energy before riding  downhill towards  Rovereto.

By the way, if somebody  tells  you that from Pian delle Fugazze to Rovereto there is 24 km of downhill…don’t believe them. There are still some minor uphill that you will remember!

PS: Andrea Ferrigato proposed us to bring our luggage directly on the top of the mountain, and we were so wise to accept. Thank you, Saint Andrea, our legs will thank you all the night for this. :-)


7 Responses

  1. pavan cristiano says:

    Ciò: e le borse, dove le gehto lassà?? So pal fosso? Eh?

    • Daniele Pernigotti says:

      Cristiano, no te ghè mia leto el post? X Ride With Us il professionista Ferrigato ci ha fatto da gregario… Nn so se rende che cosa grossa semo drio far???? :-)

  2. giancoia says:

    W Lele el Presidente del Drink Team Nordik Si Club!!!!!! Viva!!!!

  3. cristiano pavan says:

    E come se fa a lesare un sito tutto in inglese? Ma semo in italia o in inghiltera? Eh?

  4. giancoia says:

    Bello bello, ma non potete scrivere in italiano, non si capisce quello che c’è scritto. Bella inziativa, di cosa si tratta?

  5. giancoia says:

    Yes ve want Alex Schwartzer riding with iou for espletating a big tour epo-sostainibles until the scai blu in the motian, yes camon

  6. giancoia says:

    Alice ha detto che quest’anno fa 3 uscite con gli sci da fondo , dato che tu vai a copanaghen in bicicletta. Purtroppo non lo so scrivere in inglish

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