Monthly Archive: September 2014


14th of October: the First day!

The appointment for the start of our Ride With Us tour is at 8.30 in front of the Municipio di Marghera. When the area will start to be crowd for the usual weekly market...

Vento scuole

VENTO gira nelle scuole

The open call “VENTO gira nelle scuole” is addressed to high schools students willing to present their own project for a cycling path within the frame of VENTO project. Classes will be asked to...


Supporting cycling for liveable cities

1st October 2014 Palazzo Franchetti (Venezia Iniziative Culturali) Campo S. Stefano 2847   With ever greater mobility needs and related pollution from motorised individual transport, there is increasing acknowledgement that cycling is a significant...

logo ride piccolo

The website is ready

The first target is achieved! As planned, our website is completedĀ one month before we start to ride in direction of Copenhagen. If this has beenĀ possible we have to say a big THANK YOU to...